A merger of different perspectives

I thought this chapter of Galloway, while not directly discussing videogames, was still incredibly interesting. The use of POV vs. subjective view point in different mediums really raises the question of what each view point is used for and what is most affective.

Going off one of the examples in the book and something we talked about in class, I wanted to talk about the movie Fight Club further. Throughout the entire movie, the notion of perspective is constantly changed or challenged. One scene in particular seen here, \”Not Your Effing Khakis\” , displays this constant challenge of perspective. For those of you who haven’t seen the movie – beware, I’m about to spoil it. If you have seen the movie, you know that the narrator (Edward Norton) and Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt) are really the same person. However, what is interesting about this scene, is going back the second time you realize that you are viewing your conscience. So it’s like the subjective of the subjective. Then, the movie throws another wrench when it starts to mess with the screen, having it appear as though Tyler Durden is controlling the film reel. It reminds the audience that they are not part of the same world as Tyler Durden even though you are in the subjective point of view.

A similar thing occurs when you watch the movie a couple of times and notice that Tyler Durden randomly appears on the screen, very faintly for a few seconds every now and then. You can’t really tell what is reality and what you are really seeing – which makes you question whether or not you are in POV, subjective, third person or fourth person.