Videogames used in schools

Applications of videogames span further than a means of entertainment. In class we discussed the issue of Play not having a universal definition. As of now, Play appears to be the primary reason for videogames. As we continue through the course, we will begin discussing other uses for videogames. The attached video outlines real life implementation of videogames as learning tools for school. The videogames presented go above and beyond animated math problems and into a realm of virtual reality. Using a videogame to recreate a human patient as practicing medical students examine him is only one application. The line is becoming blurred between virtual reality and videogame.

It is assumed that those playing the videogames are going to learn and be able to replicate their newly acquired skills outside of the videogame. My main concern is that there is still a residual presence of videogame, existing outside of reality, in the new learning modules. The implication of this is the creation of a separation from the learning experience and real life implementation of what was learned. In the setting of the game, one may respond differently than in real life. This would occur because we cannot control ourselves, meaning our chemical and emotional balance. An adrenalin rush is not in our control, and may not be present in the game setting. Other internal variables change the way we perceive and react to information. Because of the possibility of this occurrence, I would not want to rely on videogames as a primary teaching method. I do not mean to discredit the field of videogames entirely, because I do recognize their value.

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