Layers upon Layers

Interacting with I made this.  You play this.  We are enemies by Jason Nelson really reminded me of House of Leaves and all of layers the novel had.  Everything was connected to something else.  Even the layout of the screen reminded me of Pelafina’s letter asking for forgiveness where the words just piled on top of each other.  The same thing happened in this electronic literature.  It is not just a game where you get to use controls to get from point A to point B.  The background is a web capture of a website, for instance, in level 5 it is The Walt Disney webpage.  The space where you can travel has been drawn over top of the web capture.  Once you jump from one place to the next, he indicates the new spot you have gone to.  There are also characters moving rapidly across the screen.  You have to figure out not to hit them or they’ll send you back to the beginning.  Level 5 is time sensitive and there is a “Death by Dalmatian” where the puppies from 101 Dalmatian crowd onto the screen.

However, although I thought the different layers added to the game, I found them to be a little distracting and at times overwhelming.  When we talk about what is significant to notice, in this electronic literature I was not sure what was important.  Should I only focus on how to get from one place to the next?  For The Walt Disney page, he creates arrows and bright circles that direct you to where you are supposed to go.  Besides poking fun at Disney by saying it is a “super earned lawsuit club,” is that the most important thing we should be focusing on?  Why did he choose to highlight this instead of something else on the page?  I wonder if there was a deliberate choice and what he choose us not to see.