Re: Mrs. Sample

Saw your e-mail, and to answer your question…the Navidson Record is fictionalized, but I can’t tell you who made it up or why. I think you’ll find more questions than answers in this text. But after reading House of Leaves, I’m tempted to say that even though The Navidson Record doesn’t exist as a documentary or an academic essay, the novel House of Leaves brings it alive and makes it very real to the readers. Is writing about something enough to make it real? By the time I finished reading House of Leaves, I didn’t care whether the Navidson Record was real or not. It existed in some capacity. I don’t think it exists in as a piece of “non-fiction” but what is non-fiction anyway? It’s a bit of a misnomer, if you ask me.

Anyway, like I said…questions. You’ll have a lot of them. But keep reading. The questions are important. More important than the answers, I think.

An unusual book indeed.