Author Archives: Mike
Tetris Portal Hybrid
De-stress a bit from finals and just laugh at how awesome this is!! There is a playable version online if you actually want to play. At least you can’t lose! XD
Expert vs. Novice Game Players
The differences between expert and novice players primarily is how “into” the game the player is. An expert player is one who is willing to learn about the story of the game or the lore while a novice could care … Continue reading
Preserving Video Games – Emulators and Copyright Laws
It is interesting that Mr. Lowood and his teams’ canon list for preserving video games is modeled similar to the work of the National Film Preservation Board. During the course of the semester we have looked at how films and … Continue reading
Video of 9/11 Simulation Game
We discussed and either viewed or played two controversial reenactment video games in class today. I have found a video of a simulation game for the 9/11 attacks which would fit under the title ‘controversial’ as well. It is indeed … Continue reading
Goal and meaning of IF game Shade
Warning – spoiler for the game Shade In the work by Nick Montfort Toward a Theory of Interactive Fiction he says that “Many IF works have a goal that is explicitly presented or that becomes clear during interaction.” The game Shade … Continue reading
History of “Combos” in videogaming
Here is a Wikipedia entry on the history of combos. The article mentions how the combo was left in as a “design defect” or glitch in Street Fighter II. Here is a video of the glitch mentioned (go to 1:22).
Typing of the Dead
If you want to improve your typing skills this would be the way to do it. Typing of the Dead combines a zombie game with a typing tutor. Needless to say, this would have you typing like a champ in … Continue reading
A game which seemingly has no story is the game “Don’t Look Back” by Terry Cavanagh. At first I thought it was a poor alternate version of Super Mario Bros. You start at a grave and have to keep moving … Continue reading
Mike M – Seeker
Quest to Nowhere: Summer Days This is an online game by Michael Moor as part of the Masters Capstone Project. What sets this game apart from the rest of many online games is its unique use of puzzle videogame aspects … Continue reading