Analyzing Strings

Creative Response to Strings

One of the things that I think makes Strings such an effective set of flash pieces is that it describes a series of human emotions with a playful disposition that makes them seem natural to the viewer. For example, in the first piece called argument the words “yes” and “no” are pulled back and forth from left to right on a single string almost as if someone was going back and forth in their mind thinking “yes” and then “no,” over and over again. This rhythm and pace back and forth are what gives the piece the feel of an actual argument, which would be impossible to generate in a traditional format like a book. The third piece called haha also starts out with a single string that forms the word “ha” and each time it shifts from one side to the other it consecutively adds another “ha” to the chain. The gradual addition of each “ha” gives it an increased amount of playfulness. Besides the fact that there is laughing, the way in which it is presented makes the piece itself kind of funny. I think the strings also make the emotions seem more alive and active. In a way the strings remind me of musical strings as the words are being played according to a certain rhythm and you don’t physically hear anything but you can hear the laughing in your head as it takes form on the screen.

The font style actually looks like manuscript handwriting, which adds a human-like quality that people can relate to and identify with instead of a more computerized-looking font style. The emotions can thus be seen as being more characteristic of real people who that aren’t perfect robots. It also gives the words more of a playful persona and sense of character in their representation of the different emotions portrayed. There is a certain level of comfort through associating different emotions with the fact that all people experience them; it’s human nature and that’s what the manuscript handwriting does for the piece. It creates a sense of realness, unity, and association.