So you think you can Multitask?

I’d like to introduce you to (or remind you of) a very simple, yet very difficult game. Multitask is a single-player online game which, as the title suggests, tests your ability to multitask. The game has absolutely no story line but it somehow manages to attract online gamers (especially the stubborn ones like myself). I enjoy playing Multitask not only because it’s entertaining but also because it tells me about my current mental state. On a good day, I’m able to survive for about 140 seconds. However, if I tried playing it during “finals week,” I would probably find myself violently pressing random keys on the keyboard while desperately trying to make it past one minute. The happier you feel with your ability to multitask, the more chaotic and stressful the game becomes. Eventually you find yourself barely keeping things under control, which I believe adds to the adrenaline. This is why I would place this game in the “ilinx” category. Of course, if you’re obsessed with high-scores, and if you enjoy competing against yourself, this game could also be in the “agón” category. Besides testing your multitasking skills, I believe that this game is also capable of improving them. Every part of the game is simple enough so that “this is too confusing” or “I’m not a gamer” are not excuses for low scores. The only acceptable excuse is that your brain isn’t able to process and react to multiple pieces of information yet. However, by playing Multitask more, I believe that you can train your brain to perform multiple tasks at once. Perhaps you’ll even be able to juggle with 5 balls, just like you’ve always wanted!

Link to Multitask:

To think about:
Caillois says that no profit can be gained by games. It is believed that intellectuality is even more valuable than wealth. If you believe that a certain game (not necessarily this one) improves your brain’s functionality or teaches you something, would you even label it a “game”? Would Caillois?

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