7. Reflections on presentation

I feel like my research question is focused in that I’m going to use a specific film adaptation as a context for how Asians/Asian Americans are represented in US films. However, I realized that I’m not sure what the thread of my project is. The movie adaption of Avatar: The Last Airbender (A:TLA) stripped away the Asian/Inuit elements of the show; the main cast is mostly Caucasian, and the one character who’s non-white is the villain; etc. Is my argument that the casting perpetuates racism in Hollywood? Is my argument that the movie was an opportunity to “re-image” Asians (from traditional/negative stereotypes) but the opportunity was wasted? Am I talking about the representation of Asians or Asian Americans? Am I talking about Asian actors or Asian American actors (e.g., I feel like Asian actors get some exposure in Hollywood but not so much Asian American actors)? Am I going to talk about how the casting of the movie reflects (subtle but still insidious) racism in America (e.g., one source I read talked about how some people argue that racism has almost disappeared)? So really, I feel I like I need to know what position/direction I’m going to take/go.