The microteaching presentation is a 15-minute session in which you teach the rest of the class, who respond as your “students.” Think of the 15-minute session as a “slice” of an entire class. It is not a complete class session, and it shouldn’t be a condensed version of a complete class session either. Consider the microteaching a laboratory, in which you can experiment with techniques, texts, and activities.
After each microteaching presentation the rest of the class will spend 10 minutes offering constructive feedback (I will provide guidelines for this constructive feedback).
There is a written portion to this assignment. Before your presentation, design a teaching plan, which considers the following questions: the group of students whom you imagine teaching; your learning objectives and why they are important; and a concrete and specific description of what you would ask students to do with this text, including all reading and writing activities you would introduce in class or assign as homework. Be clear about how these activities are connected to your learning objectives, and situate the activities you describe in the context of the pedagogical approaches we’ve read this semester. Your teaching plan might describe an entire lesson; you will only present a slice of this lesson to us. The teaching plan is a 4-5 page paper is due (via Blackboard) the evening of your microteaching.