Category Archives: Announcements

Historical Graphic Novels

Yesterday I mentioned this crowdsourced list of historical graphic novels. Feel free to edit the document yourself. (Note: I can’t be held responsible for the historical accuracy of any of the works lists!)

Also, I mentioned a Comic Life, which lets you easily create your own comics with imported artwork, photographs, etc.The app isn’t free, but it does have a long enough trial period to use for an assignment.

Did gig? Gig did. (A “Sonny’s Blues” Palindrome)

Inspired by Lisa Samuels and Jerome McGann’s work on deformance, Rob Pope’s work on textual intervention, and Nick Montfort’s palindromic version of Star Wars, one of the ENGH 610 students has written—with apologies to James Baldwin—a palindrome inspired by “Sonny’s Blue’s.” Here it is, courtesy of the student, Betsy Allen.

Did gig? Gig did.

GI day,
eh…lived on.
Mom, Dad, level.
Mini Son did gigs, solo.
A party-trap.
A star! O, loss?
Gig did no sin.
I’m level, Dad, Mom.
No devil, he.
Ya dig?

“In a Station of the Metro” Textual Intervention

Remember your extra “homework” is to create two textual interventions into Ezra Pound’s imagist poem “In a Station of the Metro” (1913). You can base your intervention on the original version of the poem as it appeared in Poetry magazine or the commonly misreproduced anthologized version (or both).

One of your interventions should be “subtle” and the other should be “outrageous” (using Rob Pope’s terms). Possible strategies include de-centering the poem, cross-textualizing it, permutating its nouns, verbs, or punctuation, shifting the voice, mood, or tense, and so on.

After you’ve intervened in the text, jot some notes down about how the poem changed.