Rewriting the Prologue in Peter Watt’s Blindsight

IMAGINE YOU ARE Robert Paglino. That’s Right. I must have been about eight or nine years old when it happened. I can’t say I remember much. I mean I was just a little kid. But there are some moments in life that impress your brain permanently, and you remember some of the most vivid details. I was on the playground when six of these asshole kids decided to rough me up. At that age, I wasn’t really an athletic kid. If anything, I was more comparable to a nerd or a dweeb, with all the acne on my face and my dorky eyeglasses. Anyhow, these kids started to approach me, looking like they were ready to pounce on me.

After that first punch collided with my jaw, all I could remember was one thought…Fuck you mom and dad.

It’s funny how kids can gather a complete understanding of a curse word at such a young age. I was pissed cause’ my parents decided not to fix my nearsightedness. If they would have just listened to their friends, who were enhancing all their kids, I would have had a fighting chance on that playground. Maybe I would’ve seen the punches coming sooner. And, I could tell these kids were enhanced, big time. I felt like I was getting beat up by some prize fighters. I thought of trying to fight back, but then I figured what’s the point? They would just fight back harder.

After some time, this was when things got hazy from all the headshots, I noticed my old buddy Siri just standing there…watching.

Before the incident with the bullies, I was kind of avoiding him cause’ he started acting like a zombie after some kind of brain surgery. I thought he might’ve been pissed at me for giving him the cold shoulder. But he was just standing there. I thought to myself, you must love this, Siri. Here I am getting my head kicked in like a soccer ball, and you get front row seats. But, He didn’t look happy or sad. His face looked blank, like he was watching ants fight over bread crumbs.

Next thing I know, the gang of little thugs were starting to disperse, Siri had a rock in his hand. It was coated with a blood finish. Two of the kids were on the ground. Blood was gushing out the back of their heads. Siri started kicking one them. The look on his face was still blank. One of the kids shouted, “Fucking zombie!” He was more like a robot, like an automaton that just wants to find a reaction after inflicting pain on a slab living flesh. It seemed like it was all a test to him…An observation.

I ran towards Siri to try and stop him from kicking the bully. I reached for his arm, and he quickly turned around. He was still clutching the rock. I swear he was about to knock me out with it. And his face was still cold as metal. I told him to drop the rock, and he listen.

But I knew from then on, Siri had changed.

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