Letter with many meanings


To my dearest child Akins,

By the time you’re old enough to read this, I may no longer be as I once was, and I hope that you will not take everything to heart. I cannot fully express how painful it will be for me to think of you as another being and it will continue to haunt me perhaps forever, but I will tell you that no matter what you become or what the future holds, you will always be my child and I will continue to love you as always. There are things that have happened to me during my awakening that would make you think otherwise from the descriptions of living in harmony with the Oankali, but I believe all the decisions were also made for a better life for you. It was not easy making these decisions as many decisions in life are, but it is an importance that our culture of human history must be kept alive. This will be your legacy when you are old enough, although I may ask too much of you, my expectations is what will someday make me proud. I will always keep you close to my heart and will hope that this is something you may understand.

Sincerely you’re loving mother,


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