Roseanne’s Parrot

Page 19 struck me as one of the memorable scenes of WE3. Here, the first scene with Roseanne comes to a close as she’s getting ready to leave her home, trying to get her parrot, Charlie, to talk. After one last effort to get Charlie to talk, Roseanne leaves before she can hear Charlie say “Good boy. Charlies a good boy. Rark.” I noticed what might be some foreshadowing in this seemingly simple scene.

First of all, this is the only time in the story we see Roseanne’s home, and this is also before we know of her involvement in the secret project. Right off the bat, she’s portrayed as an animal lover, something that is seen later as she tries to help Bandit, Tinker, and Pirate as they are hunted by the government. On this page we see a preview of Roseanne’s devotion to her animals, ultimately giving her own life to allow Bandit to escape.

I also see this scene foreshadowing the tragedy that would befall Roseanne’s life. As much as she cared about the three animals, she ultimately made them into the machines they were, and was unable to be with Bandit and Tinker in the end. I see that same theme on this page with Charlie. Not only is Charlie never seen again for the rest of the story, but Roseanne never gets to see her efforts to get Charlie to talk pay 0ff, and for all the readers know, she may have never heard him talk. To me, this is what makes Roseanne’s story a sad one. She really came across as a genuine animal lover, but thanks to her involvement in this unethical project, she was unable to live a quiet life caring for animals, which I got the impression would make her happy. Instead she faced the decision to sacrifice her own life to save the animals she had turned into machines.

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