Where biology and technology meet

What is typically difficult for me in beginning a novel is assimilating into the world the author has given us.  Neruomancer throws the reader into a world where if technology was still a foreign concept,  it would be nearly impossible to decipher. Where my difficulties first occurred was not in the jargon used, but pinpointing HOW it was used.

As the novel progresses, the melding of nature and machine becomes quite evident.  But only marginally are hints and events unfolded. The reader is placed immediately without assimilation into this melded world of technology and the natural.  Introduced is this idea of another world of which the protagonist was able to enter. While the idea of a virtual reality world is not foreign to me, the way this novel carries me through is fast paced and with minimal exposition.  Although we live in a technological age even more advanced than the original intended audience, these ideas are still wildly beyond our familiarity of the world we are in.

Once I familiarized myself with the world portrayed in the novel, things were easier to read and comprehend. But that initial  concept of Neuromancer can be seen as daunting at first.

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