Author Archives: awhitta1
Portal in college
It should come to no surprise that you can analyze portal in a class in college but we’re not the only ones doing it. Apparently all students going into Wabash College in Indiana have portal included in their required reading. … Continue reading
Video Game canon
I found another blog post discussing video game canon. Here. I found it interesting, as does the author that real time strategy is not included in the games. Among computer gamers real time strategy is a very popular genre with … Continue reading
Expert v. Novice Gamers
Expert gamers are people who play lots of games and know what to expect i.e. they can grok the game very easily. They play games for fun, but also are probably very competitive if the game lends itself to that. … Continue reading
Simulation- Fact or Fiction
The point in essence, of both the articles was that video games are powerful teaching tools. In the first article the authors made the argument that video games train the people to kill people. While people might gain skills, such … Continue reading
“Interesting” IF game
This is an IF game that i found, but i must warn you that it is about a subject that some people might find disgusting and vulgar. It adds to the IF genre by introducing pictures of what is going … Continue reading
Sound in video games. also winterbells
When i first think of sound in video games i think it is important to realize how essential they are to most games. Not just as Whalen says in the article as a tool for reinforcing behavior or emotion, or … Continue reading
Narrative in Video Games
Narrative in Video Games: Just an article that i found on another gaming blog that is discussing exactly what we were talking about in class. There are also some interesting comments as well.
Alex- First Reader
Whenever I think of play, I always think of the nature programs that I used to watch as a kid. There would always the offspring of mammals such as lions or bears playing and roughhousing. While human play is more … Continue reading