Exhibit Contribution #2

For some reason (probably because we are all on the site at the same time), nothing I try to add to The Portal Exhibit is showing up! Very frustrating. So, I am going to put what I wrote on here to “call dibs”. I wrote the exhibit description for Marketing and Game Industry Context.

From its humble beginnings as an accompaniment to four other games bundled together within The Orange Box, Portal quickly gained popular approval and a large fan base after its release in late 2007. Realizing its potential to become a phenomenon within videogame culture, Valve Corporation began a marketing campaign to attract seasoned gamers and newcomers alike. Videos, merchandise, events—the list of promotional materials was extensive. Additionally, offering Portal at discounted rates for a short period of time, or offering it for free if purchased with other games, was but one of the numerous strategies employed by the Valve Corporation to attract buyers and, subsequently, increase demand. Truly, this approach of reinforcing Portal’s popularity after its release illustrates the uniqueness and success of Portal’s induction into the gaming industry.

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