Video games can teach morality

While many of us have spoken about how video game violence can be immoral, few have pointed out the ways that video games can improve morality. While there are games like Grand Theft Auto that clearly glamorize crime, there are also games like Red Dead Redemption that both penalize players for immoral action and reward them for moral action. For example, players are rewarded for helping other characters in trouble and penalized for spurring their horse too much. These games go back to the days of Super Mario Bros and The Legend of Zelda, where the goal was to defeat evil and save the kidnapped princess to return home as a hero.
It is in the best interest of video game developers to create moral video games, as these will appeal to a larger audience and parents more. As the graphics resolution of games has increased, so has realism, which may contribute to the relatively recent outcry against video game violence. The same violent action that has been in games before suddenly becomes more graphic, more realistic, and therefore more disturbing to the viewer. But even this can be used as a tool to help the player understand that there are consequences of our actions, even in the imaginary world of video games. Games like Darfur is Dying teaches the player of the consequences of actions in the real world by showing foreign conflicts through the eyes of the victims. So, before anyone cries foul against video game violence, especially those that judge without seeing actual game play, keep an open mind and find out how the players are affected in practice, rather just in theory.