Videogames not good for history?

The discussion in class Tuesday was very interesting.  Obviously not all historical games would be bad for society as outlined in Frasca’s article.  I definitely disagree with the fact that games are not an effective medium for expressing these horrific events in history.  While there will be critics calling the game immoral, there will be critics for every game made.  This is the same throughout all types of media.  I think that games are the best interaction for these events.  They allow the player to get more of a feeling and fundamental grasp of the events than any movie or book ever could.  Games can be the best method for displaying historical events because of their ability to recreate the scene better than could be described in words or a modern built scene viewed through a camera lens.

Videogames do toy with players’ emotions more than other mediums might.  Most games have the player feeling as if they were right in the middle of the action, or even the one causing the problem (ex. JFK Reloaded).  This factor, although it can be bad for the player’s feelings initially, I believe it can make the player get a better understanding mentally and emotionally over a period of time.  Also, I think that games like Flight to Freedom can be great for educational purposes.  Putting the player in the shoes of the historical figures, and making them rationalize the decisions they are presented with.  I don’t know how Frasca could not recognize this as a viable medium.  Videogames clearly seem like the best way to display and represent some of the tragedies in history.