Marketing for the Sexes

Branching off from Bogost’s chapter on sex in videogames, I would like to discuss a common theme within many games I have played or seen.  The theme is marketing for the male audience.  The video below points something out; why is it that we often see male heroes running around in full armor (unless they choose otherwise), while the female versions of armor are often like metal lingerie?  Even female armor that features enough coverage, typically the armor is shaped to her body (molded around the boobs, waist, hips) rather than resting on top.  In reality, either form of armor for women would not be comfortable or very helpful.  The message here is clear; although the women’s armor in the game isn’t a selling point of the game, it may add more appeal to the game for straight male gamers, and may turn female players away from certain games, viewing it as the objectification of women.  So does this help limit the game industry, or is the industry just giving the majority of players what they want to see?