Promotion in Video Games

I was really interested in the chapter in Bogost’s book on Promotion.  I feel that he really didn’t go that in depth with the last type of promotion he mentioned, advertising in games.  This article, although a little old, mentions how  some companies are getting into advertising in video games.  The article mentions how IGN entertainment and Massive Inc. are companies that can manage game advertising.  The market for advertising in games is always increasing.  It is very easy for game developers to input pictures into billboards in games.  It is also easy for them to plug in a speech reference for non player controlled characters.  The companies just need to express their interest in wanting to advertise in games.

From the early 2000’s until recently, I had only seen advertising in sports games.  These games would feature billboards at stadiums or on the sides of race tracks.  Even so, these sponsors would only be related to the game, like the game developer, publisher, or companies involved with the production. Maybe when playing a football game you would see a corporate sponsor advertising for halftime reports or bringing you the player of the game.  It has evolved so that other companies are getting into advertising in games.  This is a great way to help game developers help pay for producing their games, and allows the companies advertising to get a good deal, as millions of people will probably be playing the game and see that ad.  There is also a whole new twist on in game advertising brought about by apps, which seems to have also caught advertisers attention.