Fine art in videogames

Yesterday, in class we had a discussion about the relevancy of kitsch art to videogames and what would be considered the high art version of videogames. While it is easy to see why games like Farmville and Diner Dash are considered kitsch, I think these videogames can also be considered a fine art video game if they are perfected. What I mean is that it is more important how the player plays the game because one can make it Diner Dash into a challenging game. When someone plays a game like Diner Dash, it is easy to finish all the levels with the minimum amount of effort. But others reach for medals or trophies only given to the most elite of waiters. To these players, the game is no longer the normal mass appeal videogame. They have their own forums for discussing upgrades and cheats that make a simple game like Diner Dash into a modern art painting, full of hidden messages and metaphors that the normal patron would not notice. There are moments when you see someone master a normal thing and then even that normal thing becomes a work of art. These people spend many hours to master these skills and that is what makes it appealing rather than the medium that they use.