response to presentation

The process of putting my presentation together has made me realize that I need to pick specifically what other, more commonly accepted treatments to Alzheimer’s diesease I am going to compare to that of coffee. I also feel that I need to look at more case studies and experimental analysis of both studies using coffee as a treatment and another form of treatment. I did find some studies on coffee, but I would have to look at more than one in order to see if the results vary between how it affects Alzheimer’s in one case verses other cases. The same goes for the other treatment that i will eventually choose.

The questions that people asked has allowed me to realize that in my research paper I will need to include background information on the disease itself so that people will understand the cases i am anylzing. I also must make it more clear that my question is that because coffee is so accessible does its affects on Alzheimer’s disease compare to the treatments that are more commonly accepted?