6. Considering sources

1. Thompson, Audrey. “For: Anti-Racist Education.” Curriculum Inquiry 27.1 (1997): 7-44. JSTOR. Web. 11 Oct. 2010.

2. Bond, Cynthia D. “Laws of Race/Laws of Representation: The Construction of Race and Law in Contemporary American Film.” Texas Review of Entertainment & Sports Law 11.2 (2010): 219-265. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 12 Oct. 2010.

3. Park, Ji Hoon. “Representation of Asians in Hollywood Films: Sociocultural and Industrial Perspectives.” Conference Papers — International Communication Association (2005): 1-22. Communication & Mass Media Complete. EBSCO. Web. 12 Oct. 2010.

4. Williams, Patricia J. “Talking About Not Talking About Race.” New York Magazine 41.29 (2008): 26-27. Web. 12 Oct. 2010.

5. “The Last Airbender Primer.” Racebending. N.p., 2010. Web. 12 Oct. 2010.

Of these five sources, I think that the last one would be the most useful because it most directly relates to my paper’s topic. However, I think that the second one is the most promising in terms of being a scholarly source. Although it focuses on the the lawyer-hero/law in film, I think that it has interesting discussions regarding how film and race are related. I feel like a lot of what I know about film and race is “stuff I’ve learned along the way” (i.e., from secondary sources and also it might be kind of superficial), so it’ll be interesting to examine how race and film are discussed in a scholarly paper. Most of the papers that I’ve found (when I’ve looked up race and film) talk about a specific film and what the film says, which is what I want to do for my topic, but I feel like they explore the film’s themes (more of a narrative analysis) whereas I want to focus on what are the unconscious messages the film gives (e.g., based upon how a film portrays Asians, what does that say about how… Asian-Americans are seen in America, or something like that?). Actually, the main reason that I see this paper as a “promising source” is because it gives definitions of film, law and race. I know how the words are used in everyday life, but I’m kind of confused about how they’re used in academic settings (if their meanings are even different at all…).