A. Moriah Jones–searchers group 3 (clips on the animation of the movie)


So I was poking around on youtube and I found this series of videos on translating the graphic novel into the movie. I thought they were really nifty.

Each clip is only like 1-4 min so  I think they’re worth looking at.


This first one is Marjane’s and Vincent Parannaud talking about their collaboration on the films animation. They mention working hand in hand on animations, one person starting and another finishing the drawing the other began.


I especially recomend this one. It went into some nice detail about the hand animation that they chose to do for the movie. One thing Marjane said that I found compelling was “computers produce a perfect image. But since we as humans are not perfect their is something unnatural about the perfection” She mentions the shaking of the human hand adding something to the line… It was really cool to see how a whole team works on a project like this…


The art of tracing. In this clip they show that the final step for the drawings is fro them to be traced with a felt pen. This had apparently not been done inFrench animation for about 20 years. This was another enligthing one. They make mention of the thickness of the line and how capturing a certain curve or some other detail in the line is essential to conveying the emotion behind the drawing. I was reminded of McCloud.