Response: About the Monkey King

I found it interesting that so many of the responses to American Born Chinese were related to the Monkey King, and I have to wonder why. Not to say I didn’t enjoy the Monkey King story, but it didn’t attract my attention the way it did so many. For me the best part of that arc was easily the end, when he discover his disguise and how he used his story to influence Jin.

Still, the question is worth asking… why were so many readers drawn to the Monkey King moreso than Jin? He is certainly more fantastical (Monkey King vs. awkward high schooler is a pretty easy win for him, I’d say) which is more expected of the graphic novels on some level, especially after something totally different like Jimmy Corrigan. Still, that couldn’t be all there was to the appeal. There was certainly a sense of humor than came along with that story, and to some degree the Monkey King himself was also more likable than the awkward teens we deal with through the rest of the story. Even though he is making a similar mistake, he’s an ass-kicking monkey making an allegorical mistake rather than the more realistic struggles we see from Jin. Compared to the perceived lack of backbone from Jin, I can see how this is a relief for some.

It’s also interesting that so many of the responders recognized him from elsewhere. This familiarity may have also had something to do with why he garnered as much interest as he did comparatively: he was a flashback.

All that said, personally? I liked Jin’s story better, but that was just me.