Searchers – Yang’s “Monkey Kingdom”

[As another searcher noted, Yang’s website is Humble Comics, and the site is truly humble in itself. Still, it is a great little resource into the mind and works of Gene Yang. There’s a list of his comics, showing the cover art, with a little blurb about why he wrote it and what he was trying to accomplish for each one.]

In the “Sites” section, there’s a link to his “Monkey Kingdom” page which is pretty interesting. We already have figured out that Yang’s mother’s stories about the Monkey King were very influential to him. Here he dedicates an entire webpage to the Monkey King, where you can learn more about said monkey. Sections include: “Who is the Monkey King?” (insightful commentary from the author about the Monkey tale ((pun intended)) and his relationship with the fable), “Monkey in the Media, (other instances of the Monkey King story in Western culture)” and “Monkey Goodies” (two little flash projects Yang did during college).

This page gives us a deeper look into one of the major characters (or since they’re all the same guy…THE main character) in American Born Chinese.