First Readers – Jimmy Corrigan

I will start by first saying that I have finished the book and I may reference things that are farther than you have read, though I doubt it.

While I can’t say that it was a great book, I can say that Jimmy Corrigan was, at the very least, a unique experience and by the end I felt that it was worth my time. Finally seeing the connection of the 1893 story and present day was gratifying and really showed the connection between James and Jimmy, as if this sort of luck and personality runs in the Corrigan family. When Jimmy’s dad dies really tugged at the heart strings, not so much because of the death itself, but because of the knowledge that it is no longer possible for Jimmy to know more about his dad, especially when Amy literally shoves Jimmy out of her life. This story could have easily have ended with Jimmy jumping from the top of a building (just as he saw Superman do at the beginning of the book, and was actually the ending I expected). I was relieved that it ended on more of a hopeful note for him. But if they get together, won’t that just pass down the family heritage of disappointing fathers, and depression to the next generation of Corrigan?

Also, one other thing I am very confused about is the constant occurrence of peaches throughout the book. What is the deal with that?