Searchers: “Getting in Touch with My Inner Racist” and “Random Educational Suppliment”


So, I found two sources that seemed applicable, and they could not be more different.

First, lets go with The Random Educational Suppliment!
It is a presentation that was arranged to coincide with a lesson for a 100 level course from a college in Canada. It goes into a lot of depth about the various stylistic choices of Maus. It is long, but has some pretty cool points. If you’re just going to skim it, check out “The Beast Fable” section; it talks about the representation of humans as animals, and the precident for such in other fiction.

Now, I found that one, because this next one I found is really interesting, but almost completely irrelevant to our topic…

Art Spiegelman wrote an article entitled “Getting in Touch with My Inner Racist” for a publication called Mother-Jones. It is worth reading, but has very little connection to Maus. The article is a rather candid, albiet cursory, look at Art Spiegelman’s perception of his own (sometimes subconscious) racism. Like I said, this one is a really interesting.
Check it out!

~ Alex Flores