Searchers: Watchmen in 5 Panels

Here is the briefest of brief summaries you could possibly have of “Watchmen.” It gives a very short description of what some of the characters are like, but in the end it tries to point out a huge flaw with the premise of Adrian’s plan. (Unsuccessfully because it had such a small timeframe to work in). It has no time to explain why Adrian’s plan would ultimately fail, instead simply stating that “a common sense of inter-nation politics” would explain it. I would agree though that unless this alien invasion was to happen again, the countries would essentially forget about the event and move on.

-Colin Kitler

One thought on “Searchers: Watchmen in 5 Panels

  1. spennell

    Yay for supporting That Guy and Linkara! I too would like him to go into greater depth on why he feels the plan wouldn’t work, but I guess that might detract from the comedy? I guess?

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