First Reader- Reality in Watchmen

 In Watchmen the divide between art/time/memory and reality is so blurred the notion of “life imitating art” is visible on nearly every page.  On page 14 of Chapter 7 when Dan and Laurie first make love an ad for “Nostalgia” perfume is on the television in the background (“Unforgettable you”. Even the slogan is a line from a song about memory- Nat Cole “Unforgettable”). “Nostalgia” perfume is featured in several panels thereafter, page 25 in Chapter 7 a large billboard is visible in the background that reads “Oh, how the ghost of you clings….Nostalgia”. In Chapter 8 “Nostalgia” appears again on the cover page of Chapter 9 and on page 24 Laurie breaks a bottle “Nostalgia” destroying the complex structure that Jon built on Mars.  It’s interesting that this product appears throughout the novel as a piece of the reality of their world, along with The Black Freighter. The reoccurence of these images ties in the emotional and violent turmoil of the characters. The Black Freighter, the ship of death, seems to parallel the nuclear holocaust lurking on the horizon. Memories also play a vivid role in Watchmen. Laurie realizes who her real father is in Chapter 9 as she re-lives a moment with a snow globe in her childhood.  Memories have a real, however, abstract root in reality. On page 6 of Chapter 9 Jon explains that: “There is no future. There is no past. Time is simultaneous, an intricately structured jewel that humans insist on viewing one edge at a time, when the whole design is visible in every facet.”  The memories of the past still exist in their own tiny worlds, like time capsules that re-play at the first suggestion of nostalgia.

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