Respondent: Moriah Jones

In agreement to Moriah Jones’ analogy of the heroes and their disgusting twist of views on humanity, I would like to add the effect of these heroes to people around them.

Rorschach admits that he wasn’t always the “Rorschach”. He was aware of humanity and played hero under the mask. However his mask consumed his true self. The mask seems to not just have the affect on himself but also to those who tries to find the meanings inside the Rorschach mask. Especially in case of Dr.Malcolm, the change of his personality and view are so strikingly evident. On page 8 of chapter 6, Dr. Malcolm’s personality is described as “Nicest, most positive person”. However, during chapter 6, Dr. Malcolm’s positive view on the humanity begin to change as he attempts to fix Rorschach. Dr.Malcolm’s positive character is partially devoted to his wealthiness and the well beings of his social correspondents. However this begins to seriously crumble as he examines the inner side of Rorschach.

Dr. Malcolm thinks he is able to fix Rorschach, in the process however, he himself begins to fall and get sucked into Rorschach’s dark view of world. Dr. Malcolm slowly begins to resemble Rorschach. His detachment to his wife and the social life, and disabillity to distinguish what is socially acceptable or not(his dinner ending with disturbing stories), his weird obsession with Rorschach(as Rorschach was obsessed with proposed mask killer). As Rorschach says, on page 13, “I’m  not locked up in here with you. You’re locked up in here with ME”, the watchmen portrays the society where heros are not heros and may even be a villain.