Searchers: Feasability of Dr. Manhattan

Well i managed to find a few links that might be interesting, so i figured that i’d include them all.

This is a letter from the producers of the movie version of Watchmen, basically giving their point of view on the transferring of media.  He talks about why it took so long to get the movie of the ground and the difficulties of filming an “unfilmable” graphic novel, because of lack of support, 911, etc.

This was released right before the movie came out, and its a scientific look at just how possible the stuff in this movie/comic book is.  I just think its interesting how the perception has changed from comic books never being taken seriously, to being taken seriously to the point that movie execs and scientists alike are worried about scientific credibility.

Interview with Alan Moore, telling his view on Watchmen and how it was strictly for the comic book medium, and a little more information about him, and other past and future projects.