Respondents – Leon Langford

I’d like to agree and build upon what Moria mentioned in her First Readers message, that Rosarch closely resembles Batman. I’d like to push this idea a little more, and say that a number of characters have resemble certain aspects of Batman.  While Batman’s true element and most well known characteristic is fear, there are a number of other aspects that complete him. The costume as well as the gadgets, the heavily conditioned and near perfect body, and last but not least the mind; let’s not forget that Batman is one of the comic book world’s greatest detectives.

Niteowl is most closely related to Batman when it comes to costumes, (I mean come on, they both represent winged animals of the night), and they both have highly stylized vehicles. Batman has the batmobile while Niteowl has Archie; both of these vehicles are outfitted with a nice array of weaponry. Another connection between ‘the Owl’ and ‘the Bat’ are their bank accounts. Wayne inherited Wayne Enterprises from his father, while Dan’s father was a banker who also left him a large inheritance.

Ozymandias or Adrian Veidt is a combination of the other two characteristics, he is incredibly smart as well as well conditioned. The media calls him, “The World’s Smartest Man”, and in his chamber he is sometimes seen watching more than 2 dozens televisions at once. He has built an incredible powerful financial empire which he seems to have a steady rule over. Batman, or Bruce Wayne rather has an empire and according to the DC Wiki  ( he is a genius who is a master of numerous languages. Ozymandias is also world renowned for his physical prowess, in one scene he is seen performing acrobatics, later he catches a bullet with his bare hands, and towards the end he is seen easily lifting a full grown man over his head. Batman is an example of physical perfection, even for a fictional human some of his achievements seem superhuman, as we’ve witnessed time after time, Batman single handedly takes down a mob of men, beating people twice his size, and even healing from a broken back.

I’m not here to say that any of the Watchmen’s characters are a rip off of Batman, but that they have small similarities which connect them.  I think these connections are just qualities that most human super heroes. If you’re human super hero character doesn’t have any flash gadgets, a nice vehicle, an incredible intelligence, or a great body, what makes them so Super?