Searcher: Great list of quotes

Th[is] blog is mostly a review which is boring, but not the reason I posted it. Instead I wanted to bring attention to the quotes that are in bold face throughout the blog. One thing I noticed about The Dark Knight Returns is that there is a lot of text everywhere. Someone or something is always talking on each and every page. With just the sheer volume of dialogue it can be a bit overwhelming picking out some of the best lines and quips. Aditya Mani Jha does a good job of picking out some of the best bits of dialogue in the book. My favorite would have to be what Bruce says to himself as he gets ready to become Batman again.

“You are puny….you are small….you are a rusty trap which cannot hold me……feel me within your soul……for I am your soul….smouldering, I burn you….burning you, I flare, hot and bright and fierce and beautiful.”

There are plenty of other good lines in the book, but this one is just so raw, and powerful. It really gets at what is going on inside of Bruce at the time and the word choice is very poetic.

Sean Ferguson