For Week 7 (March 3) we’re going to try something a bit different for the weekly blog posts. Rather than post a reflection upon the week’s reading, post a reflection about your own blogging so far this semester. You’re not “grading” your own work so much as commenting on it and “noticing what you notice” week to week. This exercise is, of course, a loose adaptation of Blau’s “Reading Log Audit” (pp. 166-167 in The Literature Workshop).
Begin by printing and reading all of your posts and comments (you can access a list of your posts from the Archive menu at the top of the site). As you reread them, take notes, critically reading your entries as if they were written by somebody else (or at the very least, recognizing that they were written by a different you at a different time).
Compose a short analysis and reflection of your posts. This meta-post is open-ended and the exact content is up to you, although it should be thoughtful and directed. Feel free to quote briefly from your own posts or to refer to specific ideas from the readings we’ve studied so far.
Some questions to consider might include: What do you usually write about in your posts? Are there broad themes or specific concerns that reoccur in your writing? Has the nature of your posts changed in the past five or six weeks? What changes do you notice, and how might you account for those changes? What surprised you as you reread your work? What ideas or threads in your posts do you see as worth revisiting? What else do you notice? What aspects of the weekly blogging do you value most, and how does it show up in your posts?