Exit Wounds BEST OF 2007!

I, myself, wasn’t a very big fan of this comic out of all that we have read this semester. I didn’t care for the drawing style and the story didn’t intreage me much like the others did. When I looked up the comic book online an article popped up saying that this book was rated 5 out of 10 as the best of 2007. I was shocked about that so I opened it up and read a little on it. The short statement that gave the reasoning to why the comic was best of 07 wasn’t that insightful I thought. This is what it said, “A quiet exploration of family in the face of Tel Aviv terrorism told through deceptively simple styling. The most “novelistic” of the books on this list. ” I realized later that there was a page before that gave more insight to the book and better reasoning and got me to see why this was such a great comic. I guess in the end I’m just not one for modernism.