Batman: Everything is exactly the same, but totally different!

A great article I found on Batman gives you a new and intriguing look upon Batman: The Dark Knight Returns. A great beginning quote from the article is from Alan Moore himself, “Miller ‘has taken a character whose every trivial and incidental detail is graven in stone on the hearts and minds of the comic fans that make up his audience and managed to dramatically redefine that character without contradicting one jot of the character’s mythology. … Everything is exactly the same, except for the fact that it’s all totally different.”‘ As they go through the article the last quote is proven through comparisons to other versions of The Batman stories. Like how in the other stories when Batman is retiring they show him proud to have his young robin take his place and his son be the new side kick. But as seen in The Dark Knight Returns, that is not the case and he is actually having trouble with his retirement. Going through the article you get a better grasp on the Dark Knight story and a better look on Millers take on it.