Group 2 – Batman; Commodity as Myth

I found this article to be extremely interesting. It was great to have the entire background stories for some of the most famous comic book characters within the article because I never knew about them. Growing up, I was never fully engulfed in comics or superheros. Now that I think about it, most of what I was exposed to was by watching television. Captain Planet was probably the closest thing to superheros that I ever watched. The ways in which this article encapsulated the very core of Batman and the story of how he came to be, both in our world and the world of Batman as a superhero was really cool because it makes Batman someone we can relate to and invites us into his world.

The time line that the article presents to the reader definitely sets the scene for just how far back the story of Batman goes back. It definitely opened my eyes to just how long superheros like Superman and Batman have been around. It also sparked a particular interest of mine to read that many of the “villains mirrored aspects of Batman’s character and development,” because it adds emphasis that the creators of Batman truly thought about what areas of the adventures of Batman would piece together to create an overall remarkable character. Just as the villains may provide insight into the history of Batman himself, they also created characters such as Alfred to add stability and comfort to the ever-chaotic lifestyle of the Batman(p.4).