Mufasa brings up an interesting point in another post where he says he does not believe the question of preservation is one worth answering because of our computer storage capacity. I agree with this, but as someone else brought up earlier, it is not the storage of the game that is the problem, but rather the platform. The physical way in which we play the game. As we discussed in class and even after the play aloud was due, I heard classmates complaining about the ergonomics of playing NES games on the keyboard rather than the original controlling. Also, we must preserve the technology that has the ability to read the game code. I personally have no problem with playing games on emulators, although they are apparently not entirely legal, because as with all historical artifacts there is no way to completely preserve it. For example when we watch old movies on DVDs nowadays, it is not the same as watching it on a projector or whatever they used back then. Another very interesting point that someone brought up was how do we preserve MMO games? I agree with Jason’s idea of a video or reenactment. I think that suggestion is a great way to experience and interact with the game while preserving its original form. I also agreed with many of Jason’s ideas in his main post about games worth saving based on narrative or social impact rather than just introduction of new critical and formal elements.


About Sonia

My name is Sonia. I am a psychology major. I like cats and tea cup pigs.
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2 Responses to

  1. Let me chime in, too, and say that preserving the past is not simply a matter of storage capacity. As the opening pages of the Preserving Virtual Worlds Report makes clear, there are a host of other issues to consider, including hardware obsolescence, software obsolescence, degradation of the original storage devices, and intellectual property rights (to name a few).

    • Jason Ko says:

      I’m a bit confused by the intellectual property aspect of this though. You would think that the creators of a game would want it to immortalized if at all possible. I would also like to think that the usage of such works for a museum exhibit or similar project would fall under fair use.

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