Summary of tweets for April 25th, 2012

Below is a summary of tweets from April 25th, 2012

EpicDang - Profile Pic
@EpicDang: I can’t put my #hnrs353 game project down.. Constantly thinking of new ideas to put into the game #whatisthis25 Apr 12 05:33
profsample - Profile Pic
@profsample: @fluffysentinull The pitch can be hardcopy or emailed to me. #HNRS35324 Apr 12 15:28
FluffySentinull - Profile Pic
@FluffySentinull: @samplereality the pitch is to be in hardcopy format in-class, not turned in through blackboard or anything, right? #HNRS35324 Apr 12 15:23