“A Cat With Nine Lives”

I want to start off by saying, I am the most hooked on this novel than any of the ones we have read prior to this.  The writing style is more straight-forward, but the story-telling is brilliant.

That being said, there are similarities between some of the novels/graphic novels/movies we have gone over before. One overarching theme I have seen throughout is the improvement/meddling of the human body and the possible ethical consequences that stem from it. Other works have included the replacement of body parts, such as Neuromancer. In both of these works, the replacing of organs appeared to be a regular procedure, or at least accessible to those who are powerful enough to get it. There is something interesting about this being in several works, considering how far off we are not from actually making this into a reality.

The creation scene has some similarities between House of the Scorpion and Frankenstein. There is a sense of unease with Eduardo and Frankenstein after the deed is done.  Both have wondered if they have done a great misfortune. Eduardo expressed this doubt after being told not to drug the clone, “Have I done you a favor? thought Eduardo as he watched the baby turn its head toward the bustling nurses in their starched, white uniforms. Will you thank me for it later?”(4).

Frankenstein’s monster and Matt have a similar sense of isolation. Both the monster and Matt had a view of the outside world and wished to become a part of it. When Matt was first in Celia’s house, despite being warned about not letting anyone see him, he caught the attention of the children. Frankenstein’s monster watched the family where he was residing and grew to want interaction.

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